4959-A Cory St Clair Signature Box Set
The Cory St Clair Signature Box Set is an “All in 1” Portrait/Fleshtone Training Set in a box.
The set includes a “Color Use Guide”, with a few of Cory’s tips and favourite uses of color plus the following items:
2oz each of the following colors:
- 4012 High Performance Reducer
- 4004 Transparent Base
- 4030 Mix Additive/Balancing Clear
- 4650 candy2o Blood Red
- 4653 candy2o Lemon Yellow
- 4655 candy2o Marine Blue
- 4664 candy2o Black
- 5037 Bloodline Injury Ochre
- 5039 Bloodline Blood Red
- 5048 Bloodline Surgery Sienna
- 5050 Illustration White
- 5051 Illustration Black
- W007 Wicked Blue
- W009 Wicked Pthalo Green
- W052 Wicked Detail Yellow
- W068 Wicked Detail Raw Umber
- W075 Wicked Detail Black Magenta
- W076 Wicked Detail Cory St
Clair Universal Fleshtone
- Precision Cups
- “Color” pamphlet